Brand - Internet Vikings


The partnership between Internet Vikings and PDX Slots is in full swing in Michigan, USA. The American games provider chose Internet Vikings to supply hosting solutions and support their U.S. launch.

With plans to launch in the U.S. market, PDX Slots, a provider of content to regulated online casinos, sought Internet Vikings’ custom hosting solutions in Michigan. With a hosting set-up to suit their needs, a partnership was secured with the global hosting provider, and PDX Slots went live earlier this summer.

PDX Slots’ CEO, Christopher Housel, shares his experience so far, “Internet Vikings has been a great partner, allowing us to quickly deploy in new jurisdictions. They have been a pleasure to work with and we look forward to a strong continued partnership.”

Due to their comprehensive knowledge of the U.S. iGaming market and IT infrastructure, and their efficient customer service, Internet Vikings is continuing the trend of being the most desirable hosting provider to partner with in America. With their main focus being reliable custom solutions tailored to all sizes of iGaming and online sports betting businesses, key industry players are placing their bets with Internet Vikings.

Founder and CEO of Internet Vikings, Rickard Vikström, had this to add, “The way in which we provide our hosting solutions enables us to match the needs of our individual customers. We are pleased that our hosting services and PDX’s products align so well. We look forward to working with Christopher and his company, and I am confident that, soon, Michigan won’t be the only U.S. state we will partner in.”

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Internet Vikings is a leading provider of first-to-market licensed in-state hosting for the sports betting and iGaming sector in the U.S., serving solutions in 24 states. The company, founded in 2008, offers dedicated server hosting, co-location, and cloud hosting with a premium status proven by its ISO 27001 certification and intensive DDoS protection. 

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